Search Results for: Medigap Plan F – Page 3

Senior woman upset thinking about the bad parts of Medicare Advantage.
Medicare Advantage

Why Is Medicare Advantage Bad?

As you prepare to enter Medicare, you’ll doubtless encounter all kinds of advertising, solicitation, and marketing. You may also ask people their opinion as to

Happy senior man enjoying his coffee as he looks over his Medicare Part G.
Medicare Supplements

What Is Medicare Part G?

We need to discuss a common mistake in the language of Medicare: “Parts” vs. “Plans.” While very similar, the two words mean very different things.

Senior woman pleased with her Medicare Supplement Plans

Medicare Explained

Medigap (Medicare Supplement Plans) These plans are designed to work with Original Medicare (Parts A & B) and are federally standardized, meaning they contain the

Seniors in the forest riding bikes as they discuss when they are eligible for medicare.
Annual Enrollment Period

When Does Medicare Start For Me?

Original Medicare is an important health insurance benefit provided by the federal government, one that millions of Americans count on. Understanding how it works can

Medicare Advantage

Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare and Medicare

Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare was named one of the best regional hospitals in Florida by U.S. News and World Report. The hospital services Tallahassee residents and

Accendo Medicare Supplement logo by Aetna
Medicare Supplements

Accendo Medicare Supplement Review

The Accendo Medicare supplement is a relative newcomer to the Medigap market. It was released in March 2020 as part of the companies under CVS

Tallahassee, Florida skyline where there are several great medicare options.
Original Medicare

Tallahassee, Florida Medicare Options

Medicare beneficiaries in Tallahassee, Florida, have many Medicare options to consider. If you are new to Medicare, you’ll want to know how the different parts

Happy senior couple enjoying fall weather sitting on park bench taking a picture and discussing when their medicare will start.
Medicare Advantage

When Does Medicare Start?

As a general rule, Medicare starts when people turn 65. If you’re receiving Social Security benefits, you will be enrolled in the program automatically. Otherwise,

Happy elder female using computer at home to look up medicare specialists near her.
Original Medicare

Medicare Specialist Near Me

If you are considering Medicare options, you may wind up spending hours upon hours doing your own research on the Internet and calling up friends